Easter and Pentecost


A Collection of Posts for the Easter Season

You are welcome to browse these posts by clicking on the links.

Easter Day (1st Sunday of Easter season)

Alleluia! Christ is Risen
Why do you look for the living among the dead?
Christ is Risen

How to Get Real at Easter

2nd Sunday of Easter

Thomas: who voiced what others dare not ask
Thomas and a round-up

3rd Sunday of Easter

The Road to Emmaus: Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Easter

4th Sunday of Easter

Good Shepherd Sunday Shepherd and Sheep

5th Sunday of Easter

I am the Vine

6th Sunday of Easter

Alone but not abandoned

Ascension Day

Ascension Day 2017
Ascension Day: music and paintings for reflection
Ascension Day 2012
Ascension Day
Dangerous Ascension Day

7th Sunday of Easter

(work in progress)

PENTECOST (not really Easter, but fits here)

Pentecost Sunday 2014
Pentecost Sunday
Holy Fire at Pentecost
The Spark that Ignites
